Ottawa Child Care Association

The Ottawa Child Care Association (OCCA) is a nonprofit organization of licensed early learning and care agencies that have Purchase of Service agreements with the City of Ottawa, as well as individual members. OCCA represents the mutual concerns of its member agencies, their staff, parents and children.

Please download the OCCA Agency Membership form by clicking above!
Purpose of OCCA
To promote the provision of universally accessible, nonprofit, high quality child care in Ottawa, in Ontario, and in Canada
To enhance the public understanding of child care
To cooperate with other organizations, whether incorporated or not, which have objectives similar, in whole or in part, to the objectives of OCCA
To provide speakers to groups interested in child care programs and related issues
Our Mission
OCCA membership believes that the care and education of children is an issue that is as important to society as it is to families. Changing economic conditions and changing family patterns must be accompanied by complimentary social and educational support services for families.
Our Vision
We believe that governments at all levels (municipal, provincial, and federal) have a responsibility to make provisions for an accessible, affordable, and comprehensive system of child care for all families.

Structure of OCCA
Member centres are nonprofit Purchase of Service agencies in the Ottawa area. The Board of Directors is made up of a cross representation of these agencies. The Executive Committee is elected by the general membership. Meetings are held on a monthly basis.

Our Goals and Accomplishments
OCCA membership believes that affordable, accessible and quality early learning and care is possible. Changing economic conditions and changing family patterns must be accompanied by complimentary social and educational support services for families.
We advocate on behalf of families and educators for:
- Affordable Fees
- Decent Wages
We believe that governments at all levels have a responsibility to make provisions for an accessible, affordable and comprehensive system of early learning and care for all families.
We will continue to strive towards:
- A universal, publicly funded quality child care system
- Expansion of services in the nonprofit sector
- Appropriate salaries, benefits and working conditions for early learning and care staff which would be comparable to those in similar professions.
- Networking with professionals
- Access to professional development opportunities
- Tools and support to help maneuver through the early learning complexities
Subsequent activities have included:
- Improving the funding of Purchase of Service agencies by negotiations with City and Provincial governments
- Improving salaries and working conditions for child care staff
- Encouraging the establishment of new nonprofit centres and licensed home child care programs
- Successfully lobbying to oppose the introduction of corporate chain operated child care in the 1990’s
- Ongoing lobbying at city, provincial, and federal levels of government, which include:
- Successful city lobbying for capital funding to nonprofit organizations
- Submission to Early Primary Education Project
- Submission to the Federal Special Committee on Child Care
- Supporting universally accessible nonprofit, high quality early learning
- Consulting with the province to ensure a smooth transition of How Does Learning Happen